Welcome to DIY Planet Search. YOU are about to take part in one of the most exciting fields of science–the search for other worlds! Using the MicroObservatory Telescope Network that you control online, you´ll take your own images of distant solar systems, interpret and share the data you gather, and become part of a community of planet hunters!

Since the first extrasolar planet was discovered in the 1990s, new planets have been detected at an accelerating pace. Most of those discovered to date are much larger than Earth, closer to their stars, and therefore fiery, uninhabitable places known as Hot Jupiters. Using DIY Planet Search you’ll be able to detect these Hot Jupiters for yourself!

GET STARTED: You can read About this project, about Exoplanets, or go straight to our DIY Tools to schedule your first exoplanet telescope observations for analysis! You can find out more about the specific exoplanet Targets that this project investigates, or about some of the Telescopes on earth and in space that are involved in exoplanet exploration.

Once you Login, your image, data and analysis Activities, and your account Profile information are available under My Data. On the DIY Planet Search Community pages you can check out your own and others’ published Results, as well as Frequently Asked Questions.

First confirmed exoplanet

51 Pegasi b is the first confirmed exoplanet around a 'Sun-like' star, discovered in 1995.

Darkest Exoplanet

TrES-2 b is the darkest known exoplanet. You can observe this system with the DIYTools!

First Transit Detection

The first exoplanet discovered by the transit method is HD 209458 b in 1999.

Water Detected

Water was first detected in the exoplanet atmosphere of WASP-121 b in 2017.

Shortest 'Year'

SWIFT J1756.9-2508 b orbits its star (a pulsar) in only 48 minutes, 56.5 seconds!

Habitable Zone

Water was first detected in the exoplanet atmosphere of WASP-121b in 2017.

Most Planets

The Kepler-90 stellar system has the most planets, eight!

Closest Exoplanets

The closest exoplanets to us are Proxima Centauri b & c. They are only 4.22 light years away!